C API Interface (litePDF.h)

    1 /*
    2  * Copyright (C) 2017 zyx [@:] zyx gmx [dot] us
    3  *
    4  * The litePDF library is free software: you can redistribute it
    5  * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, the version 3
    7  * of the License.
    8  *
    9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   12  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
   13  *
   14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   15  * License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
   16  */
   18 #ifndef LITEPDF_H
   19 #define LITEPDF_H
   21 #ifdef  __cplusplus
   22 #define LITEPDF_BEGIN_DECLS  extern "C" {
   23 #define LITEPDF_END_DECLS    }
   24 #else
   26 #define LITEPDF_END_DECLS
   27 #endif
   29 #ifdef LITEPDF_DLL_BUILD
   30 #define LITEPDF_PUBLIC /* __declspec(dllexport) */
   31 #else
   32 #define LITEPDF_PUBLIC __declspec(dllimport)
   33 #endif
   35 /** @mainpage litePDF
   36 litePDF is a library (DLL), which allows creating new and editing of existing PDF documents with simple API.
   37 Page content is drawn with standard GDI functions through a device context (HDC or TCanvas, in case of Delphi or C++ Builder).<br>
   38 <br>
   39 Main features of litePDF:
   40 <ul>
   41 <li>create new PDF documents in memory only, or with direct write to a disk</li>
   42 <li>load of existing PDF documents</li>
   43 <li>modify or delete of existing pages</li>
   44 <li>copy pages from other documents</li>
   45 <li>incremental update of PDF documents</li>
   46 <li>encryption of PDF documents</li>
   47 <li>digitally sign PDF documents</li>
   48 <li>draw with GDI functions both directly to a page, and to a resource/template (XObject)</li>
   49 <li>draw of created resources into a page</li>
   50 <li>font embedding, complete or subset</li>
   51 <li>font substitution</li>
   52 <li>JPEG compression for images</li>
   53 <li>attach files into PDF documents</li>
   54 <li>low-level PDF operations</li>
   55 </ul>
   56 <br>
   57 litePDF uses an Open Source project <a href="http://podofo.sf.net">PoDoFo</a> for manipulation of PDF documents,
   58 and offers direct PdfDocument pointer to the PoDoFo interface, thus the library users can do anything what the PoDoFo
   59 offers.
   60 */
   62 /** @page units Units
   63 Since litePDF the functions which used millimeters as their measure
   64 units can use also inches, or fractions of the millimeters and inches.
   65 The reason for the fraction is to not use architectural dependent types
   66 in the API, where the @a double type is. The unit value is rounded down
   67 to unsigned integers in the API. The default unit is set to millimeters
   68 (@ref LITEPDF_UNIT_MM) for backward compatibility.<br>
   69 <br>
   70 Call @ref litePDF_GetUnit to determine which unit is currently used. To change
   71 the unit to be used call @ref litePDF_SetUnit. For example, to create a page
   72 of size 8.5 inches x 11.0 inches, set the unit to @ref LITEPDF_UNIT_10TH_INCH
   73 and then call the @ref litePDF_AddPage with the width 85 and height 110
   74 (10-times larger, because the current unit is 1/10th of an inch).<br>
   75 <br>
   76 All functions use the unit set for the current context, except of
   77 the @ref litePDF_DrawResource, which has an explicit argument for the unit
   78 value. That's for simplicity, to not need to change the units before
   79 the function is called and then set it back after the call.
   80 */
   82 /** @file litePDF.h
   83     @brief C interface
   85     This document describes a direct C interface for litePDF.dll API.
   86 */
   90 typedef void (__stdcall * litePDFErrorCB)(unsigned int code,
   91                                           const char *msg,
   92                                           void *user_data);
   93 /**<
   94    Error callback.
   95    @param code Error code, same as GetLastError().
   96    @param msg Detailed error message.
   97    @param user_data User data provided in @ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument.
   98 */
  100 void * __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateContext(litePDFErrorCB on_error,
  101                                                       void *on_error_user_data);
  102 /**<
  103    Creates a new litePDF context. This is used in other litePDF functions.
  104    The returned context should be freed with @ref litePDF_FreeContext
  105    when no longer needed.
  107    @param on_error Callback called on errors. This is used to report litePDF errors and
  108       is used during whole life time of the returned context.
  109    @param on_error_user_data User data passed into on_error callback.
  110    @return Newly created litePDF context. This should be freed with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
  111 */
  113 void __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_FreeContext(void *pctx);
  114 /**<
  115    Frees litePDF context previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  116    If it contains any unsaved data, then these are discarded.
  118    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  119 */
  121 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_UNKNOWN     (0) /**< Unknown unit; usually used to indicate an error */
  122 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_MM          (1) /**< Millimeters unit */
  123 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_10TH_MM     (2) /**< 1/10th of a millimeter unit; 5 mm is value 50 */
  124 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_100TH_MM    (3) /**< 1/100th of a millimeter unit; 5 mm is value 500 */
  125 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_1000TH_MM   (4) /**< 1/1000th of a millimeter unit; 5 mm is value 5000 */
  126 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_INCH        (5) /**< Inch unit */
  127 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_10TH_INCH   (6) /**< 1/10th of an inch unit; 5" is value 50 */
  128 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_100TH_INCH  (7) /**< 1/100th of an inch unit; 5" is value 500 */
  129 #define LITEPDF_UNIT_1000TH_INCH (8) /**< 1/1000th of an inch unit; 5" is value 5000 */
  131 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetUnit(void *pctx,
  132                                               unsigned int unitValue);
  133 /**<
  134    Sets a unit to use in functions which expect non-pixel size and position values.
  135    It can be one of LITEPDF_UNIT values. The default is @ref LITEPDF_UNIT_MM.
  137    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  138    @param unitValue One of LITEPDF_UNIT values, to set as a unit for the litePDF context.
  140    @see @ref units, litePDF_GetUnit
  141 */
  143 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetUnit(void *pctx);
  144 /**<
  145    Gets the currently set unit, which is used in functions which expect
  146    non-pixel size and position values. It can be one of LITEPDF_UNIT values.
  147    The default is @ref LITEPDF_UNIT_MM.
  149    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  150    @return One of LITEPDF_UNIT values, which is set as the current unit for the litePDF context.
  152    @see @ref units, litePDF_SetUnit
  153 */
  155 #define LITEPDF_FONT_FLAG_DEFAULT         0 /**< Use the settings as specified by the draw operation */
  156 #define LITEPDF_FONT_FLAG_DO_NOT_EMBED    1 /**< Do not embed the font */
  157 #define LITEPDF_FONT_FLAG_EMBED_COMPLETE  2 /**< Embed complete font */
  158 #define LITEPDF_FONT_FLAG_EMBED_SUBSET    3 /**< Embed the font with used characters only */
  159 #define LITEPDF_FONT_FLAG_SUBSTITUTE      4 /**< Substitute the font with one of the base fonts, if possible */
  161 typedef unsigned int (__stdcall * litePDFEvalFontFlagCB)(char *inout_faceName,
  162                                                          unsigned int faceNameBufferSize,
  163                                                          void *user_data);
  164 /**<
  165    A callback to evaluate what to do with the specified font. The function
  166    can be also used to rename the font, without changing the font flag.
  167    The size of the @a inout_faceName buffer is @a faceNameBufferSize and when
  168    renaming it, the written value should not be longer than @a faceNameBufferSize,
  169    including the nul-terminating character.
  171    The returned value for one font name should be consistent. It's not possible to
  172    for example once request complete font embedding and the other time to request
  173    no embedding at all.
  175    @param inout_faceName [in/out] The font face name to evaluate the flag for.
  176    @param faceNameBufferSize Size of the @a inout_faceName buffer.
  177    @param user_data User data provided in @ref litePDF_SetEvalFontFlagCallback.
  179 */
  181 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetEvalFontFlagCallback (void *pctx,
  182                                                                litePDFEvalFontFlagCB callback,
  183                                                                void *callback_user_data);
  184 /**<
  185    Sets a callback to evaluate what to do with a font. The @a callback can
  186    be NULL, to unset any previously set value. See @ref litePDFEvalFontFlagCB
  187    for more information about the @a callback parameters and what it can do.
  189    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  190    @param callback A @ref litePDFEvalFontFlagCB callback to set, or NULL.
  191    @param callback_user_data A user data to pass to @a callback when called.
  192    @return Whether succeeded.
  193 */
  195 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_NONE         0x0         /**< Nothing from the rest is allowed */
  196 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_PRINT        0x00000004  /**< Allow printing the document */
  197 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_EDIT         0x00000008  /**< Allow modifying the document besides annotations, form fields or changing pages */
  198 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_COPY         0x00000010  /**< Allow text and graphic extraction */
  199 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_EDITNOTES    0x00000020  /**< Add or modify text annotations or form fields (if ePdfPermissions_Edit is set also allow to create interactive form fields including signature) */
  200 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_FILLANDSIGN  0x00000100  /**< Fill in existing form or signature fields */
  201 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_ACCESSIBLE   0x00000200  /**< Extract text and graphics to support user with disabilities */
  202 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_DOCASSEMBLY  0x00000400  /**< Assemble the document: insert, create, rotate delete pages or add bookmarks */
  203 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION_HIGHPRINT    0x00000800  /**< Print a high resolution version of the document */
  205 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_RC4V1         1           /**< RC4 Version 1 encryption using a 40bit key */
  206 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_RC4V2         2           /**< RC4 Version 2 encryption using a 128bit key */
  207 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_AESV2         4           /**< AES encryption with a 128 bit key (PDF1.6) */
  208 #define LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_AESV3         8           /**< AES encryption with a 256 bit key (PDF1.7 extension 3) */
  210 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_PrepareEncryption(void *pctx,
  211                                                         const char *userPassword,
  212                                                         const char *ownerPassword,
  213                                                         unsigned int permissions,
  214                                                         unsigned int algorithm);
  215 /**<
  216    Prepares encryption for newly created documents. The litePDF
  217    context should be empty. The encryption is used only with
  218    @ref litePDF_CreateFileDocument and @ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument, other
  219    functions ignore it. Use NULL or an empty @a ownerPassword
  220    to unset any previously set encryption properties.
  221    Loading an encrypted document lefts it encrypted on save too.
  223    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  224    @param userPassword User's password, can be an empty string,
  225       then the user doesn't have to write a password.
  226    @param ownerPassword Owner's password. Can be NULL or an empty string, to unset
  227       encryption properties.
  228    @param permissions Bit-or of LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_PERMISSION flags, to set user's
  229       permissions for the document.
  230    @param algorithm One of LITEPDF_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM constants, an algorithm
  231       to be used to encrypt the document.
  232    @return Whether was able to prepare encryption within the litePDF context.
  234    @see litePDF_CreateFileDocument, litePDF_CreateMemDocument
  235 */
  237 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateFileDocument(void *pctx,
  238                                                          const char *fileName);
  239 /**<
  240    Makes the litePDF context hold a new PDF, which writes directly to a file.
  241    The passed-in litePDF context should not have opened any other PDF data.
  242    Call @ref litePDF_Close, to close the file, and possibly save changes to it.
  243    Most of the operations require memory-based PDF, which can be created
  244    with @ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument.
  246    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  247    @param fileName File name to write the PDF result to.
  248    @return Whether succeeded.
  250    @note PoDoFo doesn't support creation of file-based documents with AES encryption,
  251       thus use for it memory-based documents instead (@ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument).
  253    @see litePDF_PrepareEncryption, litePDF_CreateFileDocumentW, litePDF_CreateMemDocument, litePDF_LoadFromFile
  254 */
  256 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateFileDocumentW(void *pctx,
  257                                                           const wchar_t *fileName);
  258 /**<
  259    This is the same as @ref litePDF_CreateFileDocument, the only difference is that
  260    the @a fileName is a wide string.
  261 */
  263 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateMemDocument(void *pctx);
  264 /**<
  265    Makes the litePDF context hold a memory-based PDF. Such PDF can be
  266    saved with @ref litePDF_SaveToFile or  @ref litePDF_SaveToData.
  267    The PDF should be closed with @ref litePDF_Close.
  269    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  270    @return Whether succeeded.
  272    @see litePDF_PrepareEncryption, litePDF_CreateFileDocument, litePDF_LoadFromFile
  273 */
  275 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_LoadFromFile(void *pctx,
  276                                                    const char *fileName,
  277                                                    const char *password,
  278                                                    BOOL loadCompletely,
  279                                                    BOOL forUpdate);
  280 /**<
  281    Makes the litePDF context hold a memory-based PDF, which is loaded
  282    from a disk file. This should be closed with @ref litePDF_Close.
  283    The @a loadCompletely parameter is used to determine whether the file
  284    should be loaded into memory completely, or when the file can be read
  285    on demand. Using complete load requires more memory, but the disk
  286    file can be changed freely in the background, while incomplete load
  287    requires left the file without changes while being opened.
  288    The @a forUpdate parameter specifies whether the file is being opened
  289    for incremental update. In that case saving such document will result
  290    in the changes being appended to the end of the original document,
  291    instead of resaving whole document.
  293    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  294    @param fileName File name to load the PDF from.
  295    @param password Password to use for encrypted documents.
  296    @param loadCompletely Set to TRUE when the file should be loaded completely
  297       into memory, or FALSE to keep the disk file in use while working with it.
  298    @param forUpdate Set to TRUE to open the file for incremental update,
  299       or set to FALSE otherwise.
  300    @return Whether succeeded.
  302    @see litePDF_LoadFromFileW
  303 */
  305 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_LoadFromFileW(void *pctx,
  306                                                     const wchar_t *fileName,
  307                                                     const char *password,
  308                                                     BOOL loadCompletely,
  309                                                     BOOL forUpdate);
  310 /**<
  311    This is the same as @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile, the only difference is that
  312    the @a fileName is a wide string.
  313 */
  315 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_LoadFromData(void *pctx,
  316                                                    const BYTE *data,
  317                                                    unsigned int dataLength,
  318                                                    const char *password,
  319                                                    BOOL forUpdate);
  320 /**<
  321    Makes the litePDF context hold a memory-based PDF, which is loaded
  322    with a PDF data. This should be closed with @ref litePDF_Close.
  323    The @a forUpdate parameter specifies whether the file is being opened
  324    for incremental update. In that case saving such document will result
  325    in the changes being appended to the end of the original document,
  326    instead of resaving whole document.
  328    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  329    @param data PDF data to load.
  330    @param dataLength Length of PDF data.
  331    @param password Password to use for encrypted documents.
  332    @param forUpdate Set to TRUE to open the file for incremental update,
  333       or set to FALSE otherwise.
  334    @return Whether succeeded.
  336    @see litePDF_CreateMemDocument, litePDF_SaveToFile, litePDF_SaveToData
  337 */
  339 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFile(void *pctx,
  340                                                  const char *fileName);
  341 /**<
  342    Saves memory-based PDF into a file. The context should hold PDF created only
  343    with @ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument, @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData.
  344    Passing any other context results in an error.
  346    In case the PDF document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
  347    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
  348    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
  349    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
  350    the whole document is completely rewritten.
  352    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  353    @param fileName File name to which save the memory-based PDF.
  354    @return Whether succeeded.
  356    @note The only valid operation after this is either close the document
  357       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
  359    @see litePDF_SaveToFileW, litePDF_SaveToData, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign, litePDF_Close
  360 */
  362 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFileW(void *pctx,
  363                                                   const wchar_t *fileName);
  364 /**<
  365    This is the same as @ref litePDF_SaveToFile, the only difference is that
  366    the @a fileName is a wide string.
  367 */
  369 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToData(void *pctx,
  370                                                  BYTE *data,
  371                                                  unsigned int *dataLength);
  372 /**<
  373    Saves memory-based PDF into a data. The context should hold PDF created only
  374    with @ref litePDF_CreateMemDocument, @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData.
  375    Passing any other context results in an error.
  377    In case the PDF document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
  378    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
  379    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
  380    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
  381    the whole document is completely rewritten.
  383    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  384    @param data [out] Actual data to store the PDF content to. It can be NULL, in which case
  385       the @a dataLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole data.
  386    @param dataLength [in/out] Tells how many bytes can be stored in @a data. If @a data
  387       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL @a data with no enough
  388       large buffer results in a failure with no change on @a dataLength.
  389    @return Whether succeeded.
  391    @note The only valid operation after this is either call of @ref litePDF_SaveToData again,
  392       to get information about necessary buffer size or data itself, close the document
  393       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
  395    @see litePDF_SaveToFile, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign, litePDF_Close
  396 */
  398 void __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_Close(void *pctx);
  399 /**<
  400    Closes PDF data in a litePDF context, thus the context doesn't hold anything afterward,
  401    aka it's like a context just created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext. Do not forget to
  402    free the context itself with @ref litePDF_FreeContext, when no longer needed. The function
  403    does nothing, if the context doesn't hold any data. In case of any drawing in progress,
  404    the drawing is discarded, same as any unsaved changes to the memory-based PDF documents.
  405    It also unsets any encryption properties, previously set by @ref litePDF_PrepareEncryption.
  407    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  409    @see litePDF_AddPage, litePDF_InsertPage, litePDF_UpdatePage, litePDF_FinishPage
  410 */
  412 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetPageCount(void *pctx,
  413                                                    unsigned int *pageCount);
  414 /**<
  415    Returns count of pages in a PDF opened in the litePDF context.
  417    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  418    @param pageCount [out] Count of pages.
  419    @return Whether succeeded.
  420 */
  422 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetPageSize(void *pctx,
  423                                                   unsigned int pageIndex,
  424                                                   unsigned int *width_u,
  425                                                   unsigned int *height_u);
  426 /**<
  427    Gets size of an existing page, in the current unit.
  429    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  430    @param pageIndex Page index for which get the page size; counts from 0.
  431    @param width_u [out] Width of the page in the current unit.
  432    @param height_u [out] Height of the page in the current unit.
  433    @return Whether succeeded.
  435    @see litePDF_GetUnit
  436 */
  438 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetPageRotation(void *pctx,
  439                                                       unsigned int pageIndex,
  440                                                       int *out_degrees);
  441 /**<
  442    Gets rotation of an existing page, in degrees. Expected values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
  444    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  445    @param pageIndex Page index for which get the page size; counts from 0.
  446    @param out_degrees [out] Rotation of the page, in degrees.
  447    @return Whether succeeded.
  449    @see litePDF_SetPageRotation
  450 */
  452 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetPageRotation(void *pctx,
  453                                                       unsigned int pageIndex,
  454                                                       int degrees);
  455 /**<
  456    Sets rotation of an existing page, in degrees. Expected values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
  458    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  459    @param pageIndex Page index for which get the page size; counts from 0.
  460    @param degrees Rotation of the page to set, in degrees.
  461    @return Whether succeeded.
  463    @see litePDF_GetPageRotation
  464 */
  466 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_NONE                       (0)      /**< None draw flags */
  467 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_NONE           (1 << 4) /**< Do not embed any fonts into resulting PDF.
  468    @note: Fonts' subset is embeded by default, if none of the @ref LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_NONE, @ref LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_COMPLETE, @ref LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_SUBSET,
  469       flags is defined; the @ref LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_NONE is to override default font embedding. The reason for this default embedding is
  470       due to PDF readers not showing correct fonts when they are not part of the PDF file.
  472 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_COMPLETE       (1 << 0) /**< Embed complete fonts into resulting PDF; @see LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_SUBSET, LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_NONE */
  473 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_SUBSET         (1 << 1) /**< Embed only subset of the fonts, aka used letters; this flag is used before @ref LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_COMPLETE; @see LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_EMBED_FONTS_NONE */
  474 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_SUBSTITUTE_FONTS           (1 << 2) /**< Substitute fonts with base PDF fonts, if possible */
  475 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_COMPRESS_IMAGES_WITH_JPEG  (1 << 3) /**< Compress images with JPEG compression, to get smaller PDF document; this is used only for RGB images */
  476 #define LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG_RESET_GRAPHICS_STATE       (1 << 5) /**< Try to reset graphics state before appending new content to the page. This covers leftover saved states and the transformation matrix */
  478 HDC __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddPage(void *pctx,
  479                                              unsigned int width_u,
  480                                              unsigned int height_u,
  481                                              unsigned int width_px,
  482                                              unsigned int height_px,
  483                                              unsigned int drawFlags);
  484 /**<
  485    Begins drawing into a new page into the PDF context of the given size.
  486    Newly created page is added as the last page of the PDF document.
  487    This cannot be called when other drawing is in progress.
  489    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  490    @param width_u Width of the new page in the current unit.
  491    @param height_u Height of the new page in the current unit.
  492    @param width_px Width of the new page in pixels.
  493    @param height_px Height of the new page in pixels.
  494    @param drawFlags Flags for drawing functions. This is a bit-or of LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG values
  495       and influences only @ref litePDF_AddPage, @ref litePDF_InsertPage, @ref litePDF_UpdatePage
  496       and @ref litePDF_AddResource functions.
  497    @return Device context into which can be drawn with standard GDI functions.
  498       Finish the drawing, and the page addition, with @ref litePDF_FinishPage.
  500    @note Larger pixel page size produces more precise font mapping.
  502    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_InsertPage, litePDF_UpdatePage, litePDF_FinishPage, litePDF_AddResource
  503 */
  505 HDC __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_InsertPage(void *pctx,
  506                                                 unsigned int pageIndex,
  507                                                 unsigned int width_u,
  508                                                 unsigned int height_u,
  509                                                 unsigned int width_px,
  510                                                 unsigned int height_px,
  511                                                 unsigned int drawFlags);
  512 /**<
  513    Begins drawing into a new page into the  PDF context of the given size.
  514    Newly created page is inserted at the given position of the PDF document.
  515    This cannot be called when other drawing is in progress.
  516    If the index is out of bounds, then the page is added ad the end, like with
  517    @ref litePDF_AddPage.
  519    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  520    @param pageIndex Page index where to insert the page; counts from 0.
  521    @param width_u Width of the new page in the current unit.
  522    @param height_u Height of the new page in the current unit.
  523    @param width_px Width of the new page in pixels.
  524    @param height_px Height of the new page in pixels.
  525    @param drawFlags Flags for drawing functions. This is a bit-or of LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG values
  526       and influences only @ref litePDF_AddPage, @ref litePDF_InsertPage, @ref litePDF_UpdatePage
  527       and @ref litePDF_AddResource functions.
  528    @return Device context into which can be drawn with standard GDI functions.
  529       Finish the drawing, and the page insertion, with @ref litePDF_FinishPage.
  531    @note Larger pixel page size produces more precise font mapping.
  533    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPage, litePDF_UpdatePage,
  534       litePDF_FinishPage, litePDF_AddResource
  535 */
  537 HDC __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_UpdatePage(void *pctx,
  538                                                 unsigned int pageIndex,
  539                                                 unsigned int width_px,
  540                                                 unsigned int height_px,
  541                                                 unsigned int drawFlags);
  542 /**<
  543    Begins drawing into an already existing page. The page size in the current unit can be
  544    found by @ref litePDF_GetPageSize. The function fails, and returns NULL,
  545    if the @a pageIndex is out of bounds.
  547    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  548    @param pageIndex Page index which to update; counts from 0.
  549    @param width_px Width of the new page in pixels.
  550    @param height_px Height of the new page in pixels.
  551    @param drawFlags Flags for drawing functions. This is a bit-or of LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG values
  552       and influences only @ref litePDF_AddPage, @ref litePDF_InsertPage, @ref litePDF_UpdatePage
  553       and @ref litePDF_AddResource functions.
  554    @return Device context into which can be drawn with standard GDI functions.
  555       Finish the drawing, and the page update, with @ref litePDF_FinishPage.
  557    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPage, litePDF_InsertPage,
  558       litePDF_FinishPage, litePDF_AddResource
  559 */
  561 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_FinishPage(void *pctx,
  562                                                  HDC hDC);
  563 /**<
  564    Tells litePDF that drawing into the page is finished and that it can
  565    be processed into PDF. The @a hDC is not valid after this call any more.
  567    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  568    @param hDC Device context previously returned by @ref litePDF_AddPage,
  569       @ref litePDF_InsertPage or @ref litePDF_UpdatePage.
  570    @return Whether succeeded.
  571 */
  573 HDC __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddResource(void *pctx,
  574                                                  unsigned int width_u,
  575                                                  unsigned int height_u,
  576                                                  unsigned int width_px,
  577                                                  unsigned int height_px,
  578                                                  unsigned int drawFlags);
  579 /**<
  580    Begins drawing into a new resource into the PDF context of the given size.
  581    This cannot be called when other drawing is in progress.
  583    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  584    @param width_u Width of the new page in the current unit.
  585    @param height_u Height of the new page in the current unit.
  586    @param width_px Width of the new page in pixels.
  587    @param height_px Height of the new page in pixels.
  588    @param drawFlags Flags for drawing functions. This is a bit-or of LITEPDF_DRAW_FLAG values
  589       and influences only @ref litePDF_AddPage, @ref litePDF_InsertPage, @ref litePDF_UpdatePage
  590       and @ref litePDF_AddResource functions.
  591    @return Device context into which can be drawn with standard GDI functions.
  592       Finish the drawing, and the resource addition, with @ref litePDF_FinishResource.
  594    @note Larger pixel resource size produces more precise font mapping.
  596    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_AddPage, litePDF_InsertPage, litePDF_UpdatePage,
  597       litePDF_FinishResource, litePDF_DrawResource
  598 */
  600 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_FinishResource(void *pctx,
  601                                                              HDC hDC);
  602 /**<
  603    Tells litePDF that drawing into the resource is finished and that it can
  604    be processed into PDF. The @a hDC is not valid after this call any more.
  606    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  607    @param hDC Device context previously returned by @ref litePDF_AddResource.
  608    @return Newly created resource ID, or 0 on error.
  610    @see litePDF_AddResource, litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, litePDF_DrawResource
  611 */
  613 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_DeletePage(void *pctx,
  614                                                  unsigned int pageIndex);
  615 /**<
  616    Deletes page at given index. It doesn't delete page resources, because these can
  617    be used by other pages.
  619    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  620    @param pageIndex Page index which to update; counts from 0.
  621    @return Whether succeeded.
  623    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_PageToResource
  624 */
  626 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddPagesFrom(void *pctx,
  627                                                    void *pctx_from,
  628                                                    unsigned int pageIndex,
  629                                                    unsigned int pageCount);
  630 /**<
  631    Adds existing pages as the last pages from another PDF. Both contexts should
  632    hold memory-based documents.
  634    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  635       to which add the page.
  636    @param pctx_from litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  637       from which add the pages.
  638    @param pageIndex Page index which to add from @a pctx_from; counts from 0.
  639    @param pageCount How many pages to add; 0 means whole document.
  640    @return Whether succeeded.
  642    @note The two contexts cannot be the same.
  644    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_InsertPageFrom, litePDF_PageToResource
  645 */
  647 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_InsertPageFrom(void *pctx,
  648                                                      unsigned int pageIndexTo,
  649                                                      void *pctx_from,
  650                                                      unsigned int pageIndexFrom);
  651 /**<
  652    Inserts an existing page at the given index from another PDF. Both contexts should
  653    hold memory-based documents.
  655    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  656       to which add the page.
  657    @param pageIndexTo Page index where to add the page; counts from 0. Adds page
  658       at the end, if out of bounds.
  659    @param pctx_from litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  660       from which add the page.
  661    @param pageIndexFrom Page index which to add from @a pctx_from; counts from 0.
  662    @return Whether succeeded.
  664    @note The two contexts cannot be the same.
  666    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPagesFrom, litePDF_PageToResource
  667 */
  669 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource(void *pctx,
  670                                                                     void *pctx_from,
  671                                                                     unsigned int pageIndex,
  672                                                                     BOOL useTrimBox);
  673 /**<
  674    Adds an existing page as a resource of a given PDF. This resource can be
  675    referenced multiple times by its identifier. Both contexts should
  676    hold memory-based documents.
  678    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  679       to which add the page resource.
  680    @param pctx_from litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
  681       from which add the page.
  682    @param pageIndex Page index which to add from @a pctx_from; counts from 0.
  683    @param useTrimBox If TRUE, try to use trimbox for size of the resource (XObject)
  684    @return Resource identifier, or 0 on error.
  686    @note The two contexts cannot be the same.
  688    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPagesFrom, litePDF_PageToResource, litePDF_GetResourceSize,
  689       litePDF_DrawResource
  690 */
  692 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_PageToResource(void *pctx,
  693                                                              unsigned int pageIndex);
  694 /**<
  695    Creates a resource, which will reference an existing page.
  696    The page itself is not deleted after call of this.
  698    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  699    @param pageIndex Page index for which create the resource reference; counts from 0.
  700    @return Resource identifier, or 0 on error.
  702    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPagesFrom, litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, litePDF_GetResourceSize,
  703       litePDF_DrawResource
  704 */
  706 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetResourceSize(void *pctx,
  707                                                       unsigned int resourceID,
  708                                                       unsigned int *width_u,
  709                                                       unsigned int *height_u);
  710 /**<
  711    Gets size of an existing resource, in the current unit. The resource ID
  712    was returned from @ref litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource or @ref litePDF_FinishResource.
  714    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  715    @param resourceID Resource ID for which get the size.
  716    @param width_u [out] Width of the resource, in the current unit.
  717    @param height_u [out] Height of the resource, in the current unit.
  718    @return Whether succeeded.
  720    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, litePDF_DrawResource
  721 */
  723 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_DrawResource(void *pctx,
  724                                                    unsigned int resourceID,
  725                                                    unsigned int pageIndex,
  726                                                    unsigned int unitValue,
  727                                                    int x,
  728                                                    int y,
  729                                                    int scaleX,
  730                                                    int scaleY);
  731 /**<
  732    Draws an existing resource at the given position. The resource ID 
  733    was returned from @ref litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, @ref litePDF_PageToResource
  734    or @ref litePDF_FinishResource. The @a unitValue is used for both the position
  735    and the scale. In case of the scale, it defines only the ratio to the base unit.
  736    For example, if the @a unitValue is either @ref LITEPDF_UNIT_1000TH_MM or
  737    @ref LITEPDF_UNIT_1000TH_INCH, then the ratio for the @a scaleX and @a scaleY
  738    is used 1/1000 (where 1000 means the same size as the resource is in this case).
  740    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  741    @param resourceID Resource ID to draw.
  742    @param pageIndex Page index to which draw; counts from 0.
  743    @param unitValue A unit to use for the @a x and @a y, and a ratio for the @a scaleX and @a scaleY.
  744    @param x Where to draw on the page, X axes, in the given @a unitValue unit,
  745       with left-top corner being [0,0].
  746    @param y Where to draw on the page, Y axes, in the given @a unitValue unit,
  747       with left-top corner being [0,0].
  748    @param scaleX Scale factor of the page for the X axes, using the @a unitValue ratio.
  749    @param scaleY Scale factor of the page for the Y axes, using the @a unitValue ratio.
  750    @return Whether succeeded.
  752    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, litePDF_PageToResource, litePDF_FinishResource,
  753       litePDF_GetResourceSize, litePDF_DrawResourceWithMatrix
  754 */
  756 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_DrawResourceWithMatrix(void *pctx,
  757                                                              unsigned int resourceID,
  758                                                              unsigned int pageIndex,
  759                                                              int a,
  760                                                              int b,
  761                                                              int c,
  762                                                              int d,
  763                                                              int e,
  764                                                              int f);
  765 /**<
  766    Draws an existing resource with given transformation matrix. All
  767    the transformation values are passed into PDF directly, without any
  768    conversion. The resource ID was returned from @ref litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource
  769    or @ref litePDF_FinishResource. The constructed transformation matrix
  770    is a standard 3x3 matrix:<BR>
  771    <CODE>   | a b 0 |</CODE><BR>
  772    <CODE>   | c d 0 |</CODE><BR>
  773    <CODE>   | e f 1 |</CODE>
  775    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  776    @param resourceID Resource ID to draw.
  777    @param pageIndex Page index to which draw; counts from 0.
  778    @param a Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'a', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  779    @param b Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'b', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  780    @param c Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'c', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  781    @param d Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'd', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  782    @param e Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'e', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  783    @param f Transformation matrix [ a b c d e f ] parameter 'f', in 1/1000th of PDF units.
  784    @return Whether succeeded.
  786    @see litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddPageFromAsResource, litePDF_FinishResource,
  787       litePDF_GetResourceSize, litePDF_DrawResource
  788 */
  790 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_AUTHOR            "Author"       /**< an Author of the document */
  791 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_CREATOR           "Creator"      /**< a Creator of the document */
  792 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_KEYWORDS          "Keywords"     /**< the Keywords of the document */
  793 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_SUBJECT           "Subject"      /**< a Subject of the document */
  794 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_TITLE             "Title"        /**< a Title of the document */
  795 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_PRODUCER          "Producer"     /**< a Producer of the document; this key is read-only */
  796 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_TRAPPED           "Trapped"      /**< a trapping state of the document */
  797 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_CREATION_DATE     "CreationDate" /**< a date of the creation of the document */
  798 #define LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO_MODIFICATION_DATE "ModDate"      /**< a date of the last modification of the document */
  800 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetDocumentInfo(void *pctx,
  801                                                       const char *name,
  802                                                       const wchar_t *value);
  803 /**<
  804    Sets information about the document. The name can be one
  805    of the LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO predefined constants.
  807    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  808    @param name Document info property name to set.
  809    @param value Null-terminated Unicode value to set.
  810    @return Whether succeeded.
  811 */
  813 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetDocumentInfoExists(void *pctx,
  814                                                             const char *name,
  815                                                             BOOL *pExists);
  816 /**<
  817    Checks whether information about the document of the given name exists.
  818    The name can be one of the LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO predefined constants.
  820    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  821    @param name Document info property name to test.
  822    @param pExists [out] Where to store whether the document information is set.
  823    @return Whether succeeded.
  824 */
  826 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetDocumentInfo(void *pctx,
  827                                                       const char *name,
  828                                                       wchar_t *value,
  829                                                       unsigned int *valueLength);
  830 /**<
  831    Gets information about the document. The name can be one
  832    of the LITEPDF_DOCUMENT_INFO predefined constants.
  834    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  835    @param name Document info property name to get.
  836    @param value [out] Null-terminated Unicode value. It can be NULL, in which case
  837       the @a valueLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole string.
  838    @param valueLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a value. If @a value
  839       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value (not including the Null-termination character).
  840       Passing non-NULL @a value with no enough large buffer results in a failure with no change
  841       on @a valueLength. The @a valueLength has stored count of characters written, not including
  842       the Null-termination character on success.
  843    @return Whether succeeded.
  844 */
  846 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned(void *pctx,
  847                                                           BOOL *pIsSigned);
  848 /**<
  849    Checks whether currently opened document is already signed. Signing already
  850    signed document can cause breakage of previous signatures, thus it's good
  851    to test whether the loaded document is signed, before signing it.
  853    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  854    @param pIsSigned [out] Where to store the result.
  855    @return Whether succeeded.
  857    @see litePDF_GetSignatureCount, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign
  858 */
  860 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureCount(void *pctx,
  861                                                         unsigned int *pCount);
  862 /**<
  863    Provides how many signature fields the currently opened document contains.
  864    It returns the count of the all fields, not only those already signed.
  866    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  867    @param pCount [out] Where to store the result.
  868    @return Whether succeeded.
  870    @note The litePDF caches the list of the existing signature fields for performance
  871       reasons and it rebuilds it whenever this function is called or when the
  872       @ref litePDF_CreateSignature is called, thus if there are made any changes
  873       directly with the PoDoFo API after the cache had been created, then make sure
  874       you call this function again to avoid a use-after-free or an outdated information
  875       being used. The litePDF will try to keep the cache up to date as needed, but
  876       it cannot cover every case, especially not the one when the PoDoFo API is used.
  878    @see litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned, litePDF_GetSignatureHasData, litePDF_GetSignatureData
  879 */
  881 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureName(void *pctx,
  882                                                        unsigned int index,
  883                                                        char *name,
  884                                                        unsigned int *nameLength);
  885 /**<
  886    Gets the signature field name at the given @a index.
  888    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  889    @param index Which signature field name to get; counts from 0. This might be less
  890       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
  891    @param name [out] Null-terminated ASCII name. It can be NULL, in which case
  892       the @a nameLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole string.
  893    @param nameLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a name. If @a name
  894       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value (not including the Null-termination character).
  895       Passing non-NULL @a name with no enough large buffer results in a failure with no change
  896       on @a nameLength. The @a nameLength has stored count of characters written, not including
  897       the Null-termination character, on success.
  898    @return Whether succeeded.
  899 */
  901 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_NONE           0x0000 /**< Default annotation flags */
  902 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_INVISIBLE      0x0001 /**< Do not show nonstandard annotation if there is no annotation handler available */
  903 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_HIDDEN         0x0002 /**< Do not allow show, print or interact with the annotation */
  904 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_PRINT          0x0004 /**< Print the annotation */
  905 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_NOZOOM         0x0008 /**< Do not scale the annotation's appearance to match the magnification of the page */
  906 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_NOROTATE       0x0010 /**< Do not rotate the annotation's appearance to match the rotation of the page */
  907 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_NOVIEW         0x0020 /**< Do not display the annotation on the screen or allow it to interact with the user */
  908 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_READONLY       0x0040 /**< Do not allow the annotation to interact with the user */
  909 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_LOCKED         0x0080 /**< Do not allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties (including position and size) to be modified by the user */
  910 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_TOGGLENOVIEW   0x0100 /**< Invert the interpretation of the NoView flag for certain events */
  911 #define LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_LOCKEDCONTENTS 0x0200 /**< Do not allow the contents of the annotation to be modified by the user */
  913 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateSignature(void *pctx,
  914                                                       const char *name,
  915                                                       unsigned int annotationPageIndex,
  916                                                       int annotationX_u,
  917                                                       int annotationY_u,
  918                                                       int annotationWidth_u,
  919                                                       int annotationHeight_u,
  920                                                       unsigned int annotationFlags,
  921                                                       unsigned int *pAddedIndex);
  922 /**<
  923    Creates a new signature field named @a name. The field is created completely empty.
  924    Use @ref litePDF_SetSignatureDate, @ref litePDF_SetSignatureReason,
  925    @ref litePDF_SetSignatureLocation, @ref litePDF_SetSignatureCreator,
  926    @ref litePDF_SetSignatureAppearance and such to populate it with required values.
  927    Finally, to sign the signature field use @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign family
  928    functions.
  930    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  931    @param name Signature field name to use. This should be unique.
  932    @param annotationPageIndex Page index where to place the signature annotation.
  933    @param annotationX_u X-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
  934    @param annotationY_u Y-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
  935    @param annotationWidth_u Width of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
  936    @param annotationHeight_u Height of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
  937    @param annotationFlags Bit-or of LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_ flags.
  938    @param pAddedIndex [out] Optional parameter, if not NULL, then it's populated with
  939       the index of the added signature field.
  940    @return Whether succeeded. The call can also fail when a signature field of the same
  941       name already exists.
  943    @see litePDF_GetSignatureCount, litePDF_GetSignatureName
  944 */
  946 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureHasData(void *pctx,
  947                                                           unsigned int index,
  948                                                           BOOL *pHasData);
  949 /**<
  950    Checks whether the given signature field contains any data, which
  951    means whether the signature field is signed.
  953    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  954    @param index Which signature data to get; counts from 0. This might be less
  955       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
  956    @param pHasData [out] Set to TRUE, when the given signature contains any data.
  957    @return Whether succeeded.
  959    @see litePDF_GetSignatureData
  960 */
  962 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureData(void *pctx,
  963                                                        unsigned int index,
  964                                                        BYTE *data,
  965                                                        unsigned int *dataLength);
  966 /**<
  967    Gathers raw signature data for the given signature in the currently opened document.
  968    Use @ref litePDF_GetSignatureHasData to check whether the given signature field
  969    is signed or not.
  971    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  972    @param index Which signature data to get; counts from 0. This might be less
  973       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
  974    @param data [out] Actual data to store the signature content to. It can be NULL, in which case
  975       the @a dataLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole data.
  976    @param dataLength [in/out] Tells how many bytes can be stored in @a data. If @a data
  977       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL @a data with no enough
  978       large buffer results in a failure with no change on @a dataLength.
  979    @return Whether succeeded.
  981    @see litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned, litePDF_GetSignatureCount, litePDF_GetSignatureRanges
  982 */
  984 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureRanges(void *pctx,
  985                                                          unsigned int index,
  986                                                          unsigned __int64 *pRangesArray,
  987                                                          unsigned int *pRangesArrayLength);
  988 /**<
  989    Gathers signature ranges, that is the actual offsets into the opened file
  990    which had been used to create the signature data (@ref litePDF_GetSignatureData).
  991    The array is a pair of numbers, where the first number is an offset into the file
  992    from its beginning and the second number is the number of bytes being used for
  993    the signature from this offset.
  995    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
  996    @param index Which signature ranges to get; counts from 0. This might be less
  997       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
  998    @param pRangesArray [out] Actual array to store the signature ranges to. It can be NULL,
  999       in which case the @a pRangesArrayLength is populated with large-enough value to hold
 1000       the whole array.
 1001    @param pRangesArrayLength [in/out] Tells how many items can be stored in @a pRangesArray.
 1002       If @a pRangesArray is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL
 1003       @a pRangesArray with no enough large array results in a failure with no change
 1004       on @a pRangesArrayLength.
 1005    @return Whether succeeded.
 1007    @note This function works only for the signatures which use this kind of signature method.
 1009    @see litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned, litePDF_GetSignatureCount, litePDF_GetSignatureData
 1010 */
 1012 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureDate(void *pctx,
 1013                                                        unsigned int index,
 1014                                                        __int64 dateOfSign);
 1015 /**<
 1016    Sets signature field date of sign.
 1018    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1019    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1020       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1021    @param dateOfSign Date of sign, like Unix time_t, when the signature was created; less than
 1022       or equal to 0 means today. The value can be clamp on 32-bit systems.
 1023    @return Whether succeeded.
 1025    @see litePDF_GetSignatureDate, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1026 */
 1028 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureDate(void *pctx,
 1029                                                        unsigned int index,
 1030                                                        __int64 *pDateOfSign);
 1031 /**<
 1032    Gets signature field date of sign.
 1034    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1035    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1036       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1037    @param pDateOfSign [out] A variable where to store the date of sign. It's like Unix time_t,
 1038       as set by the signature field creator. The value can be clamp on 32-bit systems.
 1039    @return Whether succeeded.
 1041    @see litePDF_SetSignatureDate, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1042 */
 1044 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureReason(void *pctx,
 1045                                                          unsigned int index,
 1046                                                          const wchar_t *reason);
 1047 /**<
 1048    Sets signature reason.
 1050    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1051    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1052       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1053    @param reason The value to set.
 1054    @return Whether succeeded.
 1056    @see litePDF_GetSignatureReason, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1057 */
 1059 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureReason(void *pctx,
 1060                                                          unsigned int index,
 1061                                                          wchar_t *value,
 1062                                                          unsigned int *valueLength);
 1063 /**<
 1064    Gets signature reason.
 1066    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1067    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1068       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1069    @param value [out] Null-terminated Unicode value. It can be NULL, in which case
 1070       the @a valueLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole string.
 1071    @param valueLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a value. If @a value
 1072       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value (not including the Null-termination character).
 1073       Passing non-NULL @a value with no enough large buffer results in a failure with no change
 1074       on @a valueLength. The @a valueLength has stored count of characters written, not including
 1075       the Null-termination character on success.
 1076    @return Whether succeeded.
 1078    @see litePDF_SetSignatureReason, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1079 */
 1081 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureLocation(void *pctx,
 1082                                                            unsigned int index,
 1083                                                            const wchar_t *location);
 1084 /**<
 1085    Sets signature location, aka where the signature had been made. This can be left unset.
 1087    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1088    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1089       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1090    @param location The value to set.
 1091    @return Whether succeeded.
 1093    @see litePDF_GetSignatureLocation, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1094 */
 1096 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureLocation(void *pctx,
 1097                                                            unsigned int index,
 1098                                                            wchar_t *value,
 1099                                                            unsigned int *valueLength);
 1100 /**<
 1101    Gets signature location.
 1103    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1104    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1105       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1106    @param value [out] Null-terminated Unicode value. It can be NULL, in which case
 1107       the @a valueLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole string.
 1108    @param valueLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a value. If @a value
 1109       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value (not including the Null-termination character).
 1110       Passing non-NULL @a value with no enough large buffer results in a failure with no change
 1111       on @a valueLength. The @a valueLength has stored count of characters written, not including
 1112       the Null-termination character on success.
 1113    @return Whether succeeded.
 1115    @see litePDF_SetSignatureLocation, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1116 */
 1118 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureCreator(void *pctx,
 1119                                                           unsigned int index,
 1120                                                           const char *creator);
 1121 /**<
 1122    Sets signature creator. This can be left unset.
 1124    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1125    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1126       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1127    @param creator The value to set.
 1128    @return Whether succeeded.
 1130    @see litePDF_GetSignatureCreator, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1131 */
 1133 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetSignatureCreator(void *pctx,
 1134                                                           unsigned int index,
 1135                                                           char *value,
 1136                                                           unsigned int *valueLength);
 1137 /**<
 1138    Gets signature creator.
 1140    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1141    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1142       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1143    @param value [out] Null-terminated ASCII value. It can be NULL, in which case
 1144       the @a valueLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole string.
 1145    @param valueLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a value. If @a value
 1146       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value (not including the Null-termination character).
 1147       Passing non-NULL @a value with no enough large buffer results in a failure with no change
 1148       on @a valueLength. The @a valueLength has stored count of characters written, not including
 1149       the Null-termination character on success.
 1150    @return Whether succeeded.
 1152    @see litePDF_SetSignatureCreator, litePDF_GetSignatureCount
 1153 */
 1155 #define LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_NORMAL   (0) /**< Normal appearance */
 1156 #define LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_ROLLOVER (1) /**< Rollover appearance; the default is the normal appearance */
 1157 #define LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_DOWN     (2) /**< Down appearance; the default is the normal appearance */
 1159 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureAppearance(void *pctx,
 1160                                                              unsigned int index,
 1161                                                              unsigned int appearanceType,
 1162                                                              unsigned int resourceID,
 1163                                                              int offsetX_u,
 1164                                                              int offsetY_u);
 1165 /**<
 1166    Sets the signature appearance.
 1168    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1169    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1170       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1171    @param appearanceType One of the @ref LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_NORMAL, @ref LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_ROLLOVER
 1172       and @ref LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_DOWN constants. At least the @ref LITEPDF_APPEARANCE_NORMAL type
 1173       should be set, if the appearance of the signature is requested.
 1174    @param resourceID An existing resource ID of the annotation content, as shown to the user.
 1175    @param offsetX_u X-offset of the resource inside the annotation of the signature, in the current unit.
 1176    @param offsetY_u Y-offset of the resource inside the annotation of the signature, in the current unit.
 1177    @return Whether succeeded.
 1179    @note The resource position offset is from [left, top] corner of the annotation rectangle.
 1181    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_AddResource, litePDF_GetSignatureCount, litePDF_CreateSignature
 1182 */
 1184 #define LITEPDF_CERTIFICATION_PERMISSION_NO_PERMS     (1) /**< No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. */
 1185 #define LITEPDF_CERTIFICATION_PERMISSION_FORM_FILL    (2) /**< Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. */
 1186 #define LITEPDF_CERTIFICATION_PERMISSION_ANNOTATIONS  (3) /**< Permitted changes are the same as for @ref LITEPDF_CERTIFICATION_PERMISSION_FORM_FILL, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature. */
 1188 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureCertification(void *pctx,
 1189                                                                 unsigned int index,
 1190                                                                 unsigned int permission);
 1191 /**<
 1192    Sets the signature certification. This is used to detect modifications relative to a signature
 1193    field that is signed by the author of a document (the person applying the first signature). A document
 1194    can contain only one signature field that contains the access permissions; it should be the first
 1195    signed field in the document. It enables the author to specify what changes are permitted to be
 1196    made the document and what changes invalidate the author’s signature.
 1198    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1199    @param index Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1200       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1204    @see litePDF_CreateSignature
 1205 */
 1207 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureSize(void *pctx,
 1208                                                        unsigned int requestBytes);
 1209 /**<
 1210    Sets how many bytes the signature may require. The default value is 4096 bytes
 1211    and it is automatically adjusted when the @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign or
 1212    @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign are used. The manual signing functions
 1213    require this value to be set before signing, if the final hash with the certificate
 1214    exceeds the default size.
 1216    This value is remembered in general, not for any signature in particular.
 1218    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1219    @param requestBytes How many bytes the signature will require.
 1220    @return Whether succeeded.
 1222    @see litePDF_SetSignatureHash, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManualW, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual
 1223 */
 1225 #define LITEPDF_SIGNATURE_HASH_SHA1   1 /**< Use SHA1 hash algorithm */
 1226 #define LITEPDF_SIGNATURE_HASH_SHA256 2 /**< Use SHA256 hash algorithm */
 1227 #define LITEPDF_SIGNATURE_HASH_SHA384 3 /**< Use SHA384 hash algorithm */
 1228 #define LITEPDF_SIGNATURE_HASH_SHA512 4 /**< Use SHA512 hash algorithm */
 1230 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SetSignatureHash(void *pctx,
 1231                                                        unsigned int signatureHash);
 1232 /**<
 1233    Sets the signature hash algorithm to be used. The default value is @ref LITEPDF_SIGNATURE_HASH_SHA512.
 1234    It is used only when the @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign or
 1235    @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign are used. The supported
 1239    This value is remembered in general, not for any signature in particular.
 1241    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1242    @param signatureHash The hash algorithm to use.
 1243    @return Whether succeeded.
 1245    @see litePDF_SetSignatureSize, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManualW, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual
 1246 */
 1248 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddSignerPFX(void *pctx,
 1249                                                    const BYTE *pfxData,
 1250                                                    unsigned int pfxDataLength,
 1251                                                    const char *pfxPassword);
 1252 /**<
 1253    Adds a signer to be used when digitally signing the document with
 1254    @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign or @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign.
 1255    The passed-in certificate is in the PFX format and should include
 1256    the private key.
 1258    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1259    @param pfxData A certificate with private key in the PFX format.
 1260    @param pfxDataLength A length of the @a pfxData.
 1261    @param pfxPassword A password to use to open the PFX certificate; can be NULL.
 1262    @return Whether succeeded.
 1264    @see litePDF_AddSignerPEM
 1265 */
 1267 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_AddSignerPEM(void *pctx,
 1268                                                    const BYTE *pemData,
 1269                                                    unsigned int pemDataLength,
 1270                                                    const BYTE *pkeyData,
 1271                                                    unsigned int pkeyDataLength,
 1272                                                    const char *pkeyPassword);
 1273 /**<
 1274    Adds a signer to be used when digitally signing the document with
 1275    @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign or @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign.
 1276    The passed-in certificate and private key are in the PEM format.
 1278    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1279    @param pemData A certificate in the PEM format.
 1280    @param pemDataLength A length of the @a pemData.
 1281    @param pkeyData A private key for the certificate, in the PEM format.
 1282    @param pkeyDataLength A length of the @a pkeyData.
 1283    @param pkeyPassword A password to use to open the private key; can be NULL.
 1284    @return Whether succeeded.
 1286    @see litePDF_AddSignerPFX
 1287 */
 1289 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign(void *pctx,
 1290                                                          const char *fileName,
 1291                                                          unsigned int signatureIndex);
 1292 /**<
 1293    Digitally signs a PDF document opened at the litePDF context. The caller is
 1294    responsible to set at least one signer with either @ref litePDF_AddSignerPFX
 1295    or @ref litePDF_AddSignerPEM first. An alternative @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual
 1296    is provided when it's required to compute the signature hash manually by the caller.
 1298    In case the document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
 1299    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
 1300    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
 1301    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
 1302    the whole document is completely rewritten.
 1304    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1305    @param fileName A file name where to save signed PDF document.
 1306    @param signatureIndex Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1307       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1308    @return Whether succeeded.
 1310    @note The only valid operation after this is either close the document
 1311       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
 1313    @note Signing already signed document can cause breakage of previous signatures, thus
 1314       check whether the loaded document is already signed with @ref litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned.
 1315       Load the document with its @a forUpdate parameter set to TRUE, to sign an existing document.
 1317    @see litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignW, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign
 1318 */
 1320 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignW(void *pctx,
 1321                                                           const wchar_t *fileName,
 1322                                                           unsigned int signatureIndex);
 1323 /**<
 1324    This is the same as @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign, the only difference is that
 1325    the @a fileName is a wide string.
 1326 */
 1328 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign(void *pctx,
 1329                                                          unsigned int signatureIndex,
 1330                                                          BYTE *data,
 1331                                                          unsigned int *dataLength);
 1332 /**<
 1333    Digitally signs a PDF document opened at the litePDF context. The caller is
 1334    responsible to set at least one signer with either @ref litePDF_AddSignerPFX
 1335    or @ref litePDF_AddSignerPEM first. An alternative @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual
 1336    is provided when it's required to compute the signature hash manually by the caller.
 1338    In case the document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
 1339    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
 1340    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
 1341    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
 1342    the whole document is completely rewritten.
 1344    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1345    @param signatureIndex Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1346       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1347    @param data [out] Actual data to store the PDF content to. It can be NULL, in which case
 1348       the @a dataLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole data.
 1349    @param dataLength [in/out] Tells how many bytes can be stored in @a data. If @a data
 1350       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL @a data with no enough
 1351       large buffer results in a failure with no change on @a dataLength.
 1352    @return Whether succeeded.
 1354    @note The only valid operation after this is either call of @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSign again,
 1355       to get information about necessary buffer size or data itself, close the document
 1356       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
 1358    @note Signing already signed document can cause breakage of previous signatures, thus
 1359       check whether the loaded document is already signed with @ref litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned.
 1360       Load the document with its @a forUpdate parameter set to TRUE, to sign an existing document.
 1362    @see litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign
 1363 */
 1365 typedef void (__stdcall *litePDF_appendSignatureDataFunc)(const char *bytes,
 1366                                                           unsigned int bytes_len,
 1367                                                           void *user_data);
 1368 /**<
 1369    The function is used within @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual and @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual.
 1370    It is called called when more data should be added to hash computation.
 1371 */
 1373 typedef void (__stdcall *litePDF_finishSignatureFunc)(char *signature,
 1374                                                       unsigned int *signature_len,
 1375                                                       void *user_data);
 1376 /**<
 1377    The function is used within @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual and @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual.
 1378    It is called when all the data are processed and the signature value is required.
 1379    The @a signature_len contains size of the @a signature buffer. The callback is
 1380    responsible to populate @a signature and @a signature_len with correct values.
 1381    Set @a signature_len to zero on any error. Note the callback is called only once.
 1382 */
 1384 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual(void *pctx,
 1385                                                                const char *fileName,
 1386                                                                unsigned int signatureIndex,
 1387                                                                litePDF_appendSignatureDataFunc appendSignatureData,
 1388                                                                void *append_user_data,
 1389                                                                litePDF_finishSignatureFunc finishSignature,
 1390                                                                void *finish_user_data);
 1391 /**<
 1392    Digitally signs a PDF document opened at the litePDF context. The caller is
 1393    responsible for a detached hash computations and related certificate management.
 1395    In case the document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
 1396    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
 1397    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
 1398    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
 1399    the whole document is completely rewritten.
 1401    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1402    @param fileName A file name where to save signed PDF document.
 1403    @param signatureIndex Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1404       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1405    @param appendSignatureData Called when more data should be added to hash computation.
 1406       The function cannot be NULL, even when called the second time, to get actual data.
 1407    @param append_user_data User data value for the @a appendSignatureData callback.
 1408    @param finishSignature Called when all the data are processed, and the signature
 1409       value is required. The @a signature_len contains size of the @a signature buffer.
 1410       The callback is responsible to populate @a signature and @a signature_len with
 1411       correct values. Set @a signature_len to zero on any error.
 1412       Note the callback is called only once.
 1413       The function cannot be NULL, even when called the second time, to get actual data.
 1414    @param finish_user_data User data value for the @a finishSignature callback.
 1415    @return Whether succeeded.
 1417    @note The only valid operation after this is either close the document
 1418       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
 1420    @note Signing already signed document can cause breakage of previous signatures, thus
 1421       check whether the loaded document is already signed with @ref litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned.
 1422       Load the document with its @a forUpdate parameter set to TRUE, to sign an existing document.
 1424    @see litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManualW, litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual
 1425 */
 1427 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManualW(void *pctx,
 1428                                                                 const wchar_t *fileName,
 1429                                                                 unsigned int signatureIndex,
 1430                                                                 litePDF_appendSignatureDataFunc appendSignatureData,
 1431                                                                 void *append_user_data,
 1432                                                                 litePDF_finishSignatureFunc finishSignature,
 1433                                                                 void *finish_user_data);
 1434 /**<
 1435    This is the same as @ref litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual, the only difference is that
 1436    the @a fileName is a wide string.
 1437 */
 1439 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual(void *pctx,
 1440                                                                unsigned int signatureIndex,
 1441                                                                litePDF_appendSignatureDataFunc appendSignatureData,
 1442                                                                void *append_user_data,
 1443                                                                litePDF_finishSignatureFunc finishSignature,
 1444                                                                void *finish_user_data,
 1445                                                                BYTE *data,
 1446                                                                unsigned int *dataLength);
 1447 /**<
 1448    Digitally signs a PDF document opened at the litePDF context. The caller is
 1449    responsible for a detached hash computations and related certificate management.
 1451    In case the document had been loaded with @ref litePDF_LoadFromFile,
 1452    @ref litePDF_LoadFromFileW or @ref litePDF_LoadFromData with its @a forUpdate
 1453    parameter being TRUE, the resulting document will contain the changes as
 1454    an incremental update (appended at the end of the original document), otherwise
 1455    the whole document is completely rewritten.
 1457    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1458    @param signatureIndex Which signature to use; counts from 0. This might be less
 1459       than @ref litePDF_GetSignatureCount.
 1460    @param appendSignatureData Called when more data should be added to hash computation.
 1461       The function cannot be NULL, even when called the second time, to get actual data.
 1462    @param append_user_data User data value for the @a appendSignatureData callback.
 1463    @param finishSignature Called when all the data are processed, and the signature
 1464       value is required. The @a signature_len contains size of the @a signature buffer.
 1465       The callback is responsible to populate @a signature and @a signature_len with
 1466       correct values. Set @a signature_len to zero on any error.
 1467       Note the callback is called only once.
 1468       The function cannot be NULL, even when called the second time, to get actual data.
 1469    @param finish_user_data User data value for the @a finishSignature callback.
 1470    @param data [out] Actual data to store the PDF content to. It can be NULL, in which case
 1471       the @a dataLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole data.
 1472    @param dataLength [in/out] Tells how many bytes can be stored in @a data. If @a data
 1473       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL @a data with no enough
 1474       large buffer results in a failure with no change on @a dataLength.
 1475    @return Whether succeeded.
 1477    @note The only valid operation after this is either call of @ref litePDF_SaveToDataWithSignManual again,
 1478       to get information about necessary buffer size or data itself, close the document
 1479       with @ref litePDF_Close, or free the context with @ref litePDF_FreeContext.
 1481    @note Signing already signed document can cause breakage of previous signatures, thus
 1482       check whether the loaded document is already signed with @ref litePDF_GetDocumentIsSigned.
 1483       Load the document with its @a forUpdate parameter set to TRUE, to sign an existing document.
 1485    @see litePDF_SaveToFileWithSignManual, litePDF_SaveToFileWithSign
 1486 */
 1488 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_EmbedFile(void *pctx,
 1489                                                 const char *fileName);
 1490 /**<
 1491    Embeds a file into a PDF document.
 1493    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1494    @param fileName File name of the file to be attached.
 1495    @return Whether succeeded.
 1497    @note Files can be embed only to memory-based documents.
 1499    @note The path is stripped from the @a fileName. The @a fileName is used as a key,
 1500       aka it's not possible to embed two files of the same name into a PDF document.
 1502    @see litePDF_EmbedFileW, litePDF_EmbedData, litePDF_CreateMemDocument
 1503 */
 1505 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_EmbedFileW(void *pctx,
 1506                                                  const wchar_t *fileName);
 1507 /**<
 1508    This is the same as @ref litePDF_EmbedFile, the only difference is that
 1509    the @a fileName is a wide string.
 1510 */
 1512 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_EmbedData(void *pctx,
 1513                                                 const char *fileName,
 1514                                                 const BYTE *data,
 1515                                                 unsigned int dataLength);
 1516 /**<
 1517    Embeds a data (file) into a PDF document.
 1519    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1520    @param fileName File name to be used for the data identification.
 1521    @param data Actual data to be attached.
 1522    @param dataLength Length of the data.
 1523    @return Whether succeeded.
 1525    @note Data can be embed only to memory-based documents.
 1527    @note The path is stripped from the @a fileName. The @a fileName is used as a key,
 1528       aka it's not possible to embed two files of the same name into a PDF document.
 1530    @see litePDF_EmbedDataW, litePDF_EmbedFile, litePDF_CreateMemDocument
 1531 */
 1533 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_EmbedDataW(void *pctx,
 1534                                                  const wchar_t *fileName,
 1535                                                  const BYTE *data,
 1536                                                  unsigned int dataLength);
 1537 /**<
 1538    This is the same as @ref litePDF_EmbedData, the only difference is that
 1539    the @a fileName is a wide string.
 1540 */
 1543 INT __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileCount(void *pctx);
 1544 /**<
 1545    Gets count of embedded files stored in a PDF document.
 1547    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1548    @return Count of found embedded files, or -1 on error.
 1550    @see litePDF_EmbedFile, litePDF_EmbedData, litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileName,
 1551       litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileData
 1552 */
 1554 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileName(void *pctx,
 1555                                                           unsigned int index,
 1556                                                           char *fileName,
 1557                                                           unsigned int *fileNameLength);
 1558 /**<
 1559    Gets embedded file's name, as stored in a PDF document.
 1561    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1562    @param index Index of the embedded file; returns failure, if out of range.
 1563    @param fileName [out] Buffer to store the embedded file's name to. It can be NULL,
 1564       in which case the @a fileNameLength is populated with large-enough value to hold
 1565       the whole string.
 1566    @param fileNameLength [in/out] Tells how many characters can be stored in @a fileName.
 1567       If @a fileName is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing
 1568       non-NULL @a fileName with no enough large buffer results in a failure with
 1569       no change on @a fileNameLength. The set length is without the Null-terminate character.
 1570    @return Whether succeeded.
 1572    @see litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileNameW, litePDF_EmbedFile, litePDF_EmbedData, litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileCount,
 1573       litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileData
 1574 */
 1576 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileNameW(void *pctx,
 1577                                                            unsigned int index,
 1578                                                            wchar_t *fileName,
 1579                                                            unsigned int *fileNameLength);
 1580 /**<
 1581    This is the same as @ref litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileName, the only difference is that
 1582    the @a fileName is a wide string.
 1583 */
 1585 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileData(void *pctx,
 1586                                                           unsigned int index,
 1587                                                           BYTE *data,
 1588                                                           unsigned int *dataLength);
 1589 /**<
 1590    Gets embedded file's data, as stored in a PDF document. There are no data returned,
 1591    if the file was not embed.
 1593    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1594    @param index Index of the embedded file; returns failure, if out of range.
 1595    @param data [out] Actual embedded file's data, as stored in the PDF. It can be NULL, in which case
 1596       the @a dataLength is populated with large-enough value to hold the whole data.
 1597    @param dataLength [in/out] Tells how many bytes can be stored in @a data. If @a data
 1598       is NULL, then it is set to large-enough value. Passing non-NULL @a data with no enough
 1599       large buffer results in a failure with no change on @a dataLength.
 1600    @return Whether succeeded.
 1602    @see litePDF_EmbedFile, litePDF_EmbedData, litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileCount,
 1603       litePDF_GetEmbeddedFileName
 1604 */
 1606 void * __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_GetPoDoFoDocument(void *pctx);
 1607 /**<
 1608    Gets a pointer to PoDoFo::PdfDocument document, which is currently opened.
 1609    The returned pointer is owned by litePDF, do not free it. It is valid until
 1610    the document is closed.
 1612    @return Pointer to currently opened PoDoFo::PdfDocument.
 1614    @see litePDF_Close
 1615 */
 1617 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_DrawDebugPage(void *pctx,
 1618                                                     const char *filename);
 1619 /**<
 1620    Draws saved debugPage as a new page into the PDF file. There should not be
 1621    running any drawing when calling this function (like no page can be opened
 1622    for drawing).
 1624    @param pctx litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext.
 1625    @param filename File name with full path for litePDF debug page.
 1626 */
 1628 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateLinkAnnotation(void *pctx,
 1629                                                            unsigned int annotationPageIndex,
 1630                                                            int annotationX_u,
 1631                                                            int annotationY_u,
 1632                                                            int annotationWidth_u,
 1633                                                            int annotationHeight_u,
 1634                                                            unsigned int annotationFlags,
 1635                                                            unsigned int annotationResourceID,
 1636                                                            unsigned int destinationPageIndex,
 1637                                                            unsigned int destinationX_u,
 1638                                                            unsigned int destinationY_u,
 1639                                                            const wchar_t *destinationDescription);
 1640 /**<
 1641    Creates a link annotation at the given page and position, which will target the given
 1642    destination page and the position in it. The context should hold a memory-based document.
 1643    Note, the link annotation can be created only when the document is not drawing, to
 1644    have all the document pages available.
 1646    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
 1647       to which add the link annotation.
 1648    @param annotationPageIndex Page index where to place the link annotation.
 1649    @param annotationX_u X-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1650    @param annotationY_u Y-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1651    @param annotationWidth_u Width of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1652    @param annotationHeight_u Height of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1653    @param annotationFlags Bit-or of LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_ flags.
 1654    @param annotationResourceID Optional resource ID of the annotation content, as shown
 1655       to the user. 0 means do not add additional visualization on the page, but the annotation
 1656       can be still clicked.
 1657    @param destinationPageIndex Page index where the link points to.
 1658    @param destinationX_u X-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1659    @param destinationY_u Y-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1660    @param destinationDescription Optional destination description, which can be used
 1661       for accessibility reasons by the viewer.
 1662    @return Whether succeeded.
 1664    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddResource, litePDF_CreateBookmarkRoot
 1665 */
 1667 BOOL __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateURIAnnotation(void *pctx,
 1668                                                           unsigned int annotationPageIndex,
 1669                                                           int annotationX_u,
 1670                                                           int annotationY_u,
 1671                                                           int annotationWidth_u,
 1672                                                           int annotationHeight_u,
 1673                                                           unsigned int annotationFlags,
 1674                                                           unsigned int annotationResourceID,
 1675                                                           const char *destinationURI,
 1676                                                           const wchar_t *destinationDescription);
 1677 /**<
 1678    Creates a URI annotation at the given page and position, which will reference the given
 1679    destination URI. The context should hold a memory-based document.
 1680    Note, the URI annotation can be created only when the document is not drawing, to
 1681    have all the document pages available.
 1683    @param pctx a litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
 1684       to which add the URI annotation.
 1685    @param annotationPageIndex Page index where to place the URI annotation.
 1686    @param annotationX_u X-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1687    @param annotationY_u Y-origin of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1688    @param annotationWidth_u Width of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1689    @param annotationHeight_u Height of the annotation on the page, in the current unit.
 1690    @param annotationFlags Bit-or of LITEPDF_ANNOTATION_FLAG_ flags.
 1691    @param annotationResourceID Optional resource ID of the annotation content, as shown
 1692       to the user. 0 means do not add additional visualization on the page, but the annotation
 1693       can be still clicked.
 1694    @param destinationURI The URI the annotation points to.
 1695    @param destinationDescription Optional destination description, which can be used
 1696       for accessibility reasons by the viewer.
 1697    @return Whether succeeded.
 1699    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_GetPageCount, litePDF_AddResource
 1700 */
 1702 #define LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_NONE      0x0000 /**< Default bookmark flags */
 1703 #define LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_ITALIC    0x0001 /**< Show bookmark title as an italic text */
 1704 #define LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_BOLD      0x0002 /**< Show bookmark title as a bold text */
 1706 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateBookmarkRoot(void *pctx,
 1707                                                                  const wchar_t *title,
 1708                                                                  unsigned int flags,
 1709                                                                  unsigned char titleColor_red,
 1710                                                                  unsigned char titleColor_green,
 1711                                                                  unsigned char titleColor_blue,
 1712                                                                  unsigned int destinationPageIndex,
 1713                                                                  unsigned int destinationX_u,
 1714                                                                  unsigned int destinationY_u);
 1715 /**<
 1716    Creates a new root (top-level) bookmark, which will target the given destination
 1717    page and the position in it. The context should hold a memory-based document.
 1718    Note, the bookmarks can be created only when the document is not drawing, to
 1719    have all the document pages available.
 1721    @param pctx A litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
 1722       to which add the link annotation.
 1723    @param title Title of the bookmark.
 1724    @param flags Bit-or of LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_ flags.
 1725    @param titleColor_red RGB red value of the title text color.
 1726    @param titleColor_green RGB green value of the title text color.
 1727    @param titleColor_blue RGB blue value of the title text color.
 1728    @param destinationPageIndex Page index where the link points to.
 1729    @param destinationX_u X-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1730    @param destinationY_u Y-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1731    @return Created bookmark ID or 0, when the bookmark could not be created.
 1733    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_CreateBookmarkChild, litePDF_CreateBookmarkSibling, litePDF_CreateLinkAnnotation
 1734 */
 1736 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateBookmarkChild(void *pctx,
 1737                                                                   unsigned int parentBookmarkID,
 1738                                                                   const wchar_t *title,
 1739                                                                   unsigned int flags,
 1740                                                                   unsigned char titleColor_red,
 1741                                                                   unsigned char titleColor_green,
 1742                                                                   unsigned char titleColor_blue,
 1743                                                                   unsigned int destinationPageIndex,
 1744                                                                   unsigned int destinationX_u,
 1745                                                                   unsigned int destinationY_u);
 1746 /**<
 1747    Creates a new child bookmark, which will target the given destination
 1748    page and the position in it. The context should hold a memory-based document.
 1749    Note, the bookmarks can be created only when the document is not drawing, to
 1750    have all the document pages available.
 1752    @param pctx A litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
 1753       to which add the link annotation.
 1754    @param parentBookmarkID Bookmark ID of the parent bookmark. The child will be
 1755       created under this bookmark.
 1756    @param title Title of the bookmark.
 1757    @param flags Bit-or of LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_ flags.
 1758    @param titleColor_red RGB red value of the title text color.
 1759    @param titleColor_green RGB green value of the title text color.
 1760    @param titleColor_blue RGB blue value of the title text color.
 1761    @param destinationPageIndex Page index where the link points to.
 1762    @param destinationX_u X-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1763    @param destinationY_u Y-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1764    @return Created bookmark ID or 0, when the bookmark could not be created.
 1766    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_CreateBookmarkRoot, litePDF_CreateBookmarkSibling, litePDF_CreateLinkAnnotation
 1767 */
 1769 unsigned int __stdcall LITEPDF_PUBLIC litePDF_CreateBookmarkSibling(void *pctx,
 1770                                                                     unsigned int previousBookmarkID,
 1771                                                                     const wchar_t *title,
 1772                                                                     unsigned int flags,
 1773                                                                     unsigned char titleColor_red,
 1774                                                                     unsigned char titleColor_green,
 1775                                                                     unsigned char titleColor_blue,
 1776                                                                     unsigned int destinationPageIndex,
 1777                                                                     unsigned int destinationX_u,
 1778                                                                     unsigned int destinationY_u);
 1779 /**<
 1780    Creates a new sibling (next) bookmark, which will target the given destination
 1781    page and the position in it. The context should hold a memory-based document.
 1782    Note, the bookmarks can be created only when the document is not drawing, to
 1783    have all the document pages available.
 1785    @param pctx A litePDF context, previously created with @ref litePDF_CreateContext,
 1786       to which add the link annotation.
 1787    @param previousBookmarkID Bookmark ID of the previous bookmark. The sibling will be
 1788       created as the next of this bookmark.
 1789    @param title Title of the bookmark.
 1790    @param flags Bit-or of LITEPDF_BOOKMARK_FLAG_ flags.
 1791    @param titleColor_red RGB red value of the title text color.
 1792    @param titleColor_green RGB green value of the title text color.
 1793    @param titleColor_blue RGB blue value of the title text color.
 1794    @param destinationPageIndex Page index where the link points to.
 1795    @param destinationX_u X-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1796    @param destinationY_u Y-origin of the destination on the page, in the current unit.
 1797    @return Created bookmark ID or 0, when the bookmark could not be created.
 1799    @see litePDF_GetUnit, litePDF_CreateBookmarkRoot, litePDF_CreateBookmarkChild, litePDF_CreateLinkAnnotation
 1800 */
 1804 #endif /* LITEPDF_H */